Monday, October 12, 2020

Remothered: Tormented Fathers

Remothered: Tormented Fathers was kind of the impetus for starting this list again.

I was watching an "upcoming game" video that was really excited to announce a new Remothered game, saying the first was such an interesting and twisted story.  

You play as an older female investigator, only really significant in the fact that she is creeping around a house with clicking HIGH HEEL SHOES on for some reason.  Her look is similar to Clarisse in Silence of the Lambs, not un-probably on purpose.

Things go a bit haywire when you sneak into the residence after hours and find a dessicated corpse being tended to by a naked old man holding a sickle and ranting about how he needs his pills and can't sleep.  Wait wut?

The game at this point becomes a sneak through the house while being hunted by a psycho on various fetch quests unravelling the story.

As a mechanic it is not enough to carry a whole game for me.  It wasn't obvious enough what was red herring and what (and why) a plunger would be retrieved from the kitchen pantry.  Just an excuse to get lost while the game mechanic of someone hunting you could be flexed.  

I gave it a couple hours and gave up and watched a Let's Play to get the story.  It was a story that had to explain itself at the end, and even then made me looking at it squinty-eyed to try and make it make sense.  Maybe the sequel will offer more?

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