Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Shore

The Shore was more walking simulator than game.   There are simple puzzles to open a path, and a few instances where you need to travel directly to avoid being eaten by one of the creatures in the current area.   But nothing that really required "gamer skill".

It tells the story of a man wandering and apparently stranded on a beach looking for his lost daughter.   There are relics of previous people and letters that help reveal the story of the island and people going crazy, as well as Lovecraftian artifacts.

Spoilers ahead.

Eventually you make it into a Geiger'ish / Hellish tunnel system in order to release some of the old gods. The end has you viewing your history as Azathoth looks on and the narrator telling you that your daughter isn't real, he fed you memories of her and you have been his play thing "but it's not too late" as you could will her into Azathoth's dream.  The final moments have you walking towards her (illusion?) and turning into the oily look of some of the creatures you passed on your way.  Roll credits.

For a Lovecraftian based game I think they did a great job - it wasn't necessarily "fun" but it was definitely interesting and creepy at times.   I mean, I suppose I technically destroyed the universe by waking Azathoth ... so ... Achievement Unlocked?

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