Thursday, June 17, 2021


SOMA is a game by Frictional Games, the same people who made Amnesia - so I have been wary to play it by association.  It came with an interesting premise though that kept me for a while before the mechanics of the play through made me read on and spoil the ending.

You start the game as a person volunteering for a brain scan for a medical student project, but immediately upon the scan happening you remove it to a dystopian Bioshock Rapture influenced underwater base and hunted by robot AI.

Here's why that makes sense, and it's kind of brilliant sci-fi to me - the scan becomes the template for human psyche made digital, so in the distant future (the year 2000!) when attempting to reconstitute a human in a cyborg construct, this scan was used as the digital template.  THAT version of you would open it's eyes in the far future or wherever it was activated, maybe thousands upon thousands of times as a distinct entity.

Now the game took it one extra level than that mind-fudge; the goal is to launch the ARK, a digital end-life for all of the digital human constructs to live in, because the earth was going to be catastrophically destroyed and this was kind of a last ditch effort to save everyone that went bad.  Your reward for doing this is to copy your conciousness into the ARK as well.

But you effectively lose the coin flip.  Conciousness doesn't move, it's digital - it's a copy.  So you stay.  Your digital consciousness, the copy, is on the ARK living out a happy afterlife.   Ooof.

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