Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dead Island: Riptide - Part 2

It was late and I took a really hard look at at everything else before deciding that I would play a mission or two in Dead Island: Riptide.  My goal is to stay on the main quest line, I haven't been playing for the pleasure of sass-talking zombie mayhem because frankly it's a little tame compared to the hilarity that was Borderlands 2.  I logged in, smashed the face of a few zombies and saw my quest beacon was on the other side of the island ...

I play the big blunt-wielding, blunt-smoking rapper, Sam B - which forces my hand to a certain play style, wading through the horde like a brute with my giant sledge hammer smashing skulls.  The downside to this is it's typically slow-going initially to avoid the "jump scare" zombies by kicking everything dead but not by you and essentially playing a game of zombie-pick-up-sticks - trying not to wake up too many at once and leaving a trail of broken skulls behind.  There's a comfort point you get to after you play a game for a while when you feel good enough to run past the 'junk zombies' and get on with your quest ... I tried to channel that, and it worked pretty well.  I sprinted to quest hand-in, triggered Fury-modem glow-fist punched zombies in half, I was feeling pretty good about myself.

Then someone twice my level (63 I think) joined my game and I think took sympathy when he I was walking in circles trying to find the my way into a building.  He played escort to me for the next few quest and I was a kept man at that point, the most damage I took was trying to dodge the electrocuted zombies he left smoking in his wake as he ran.

Even though this was a gross abuse of the game as I was power-leveled - I did get to watch some of the cut-scenes without the distraction of an hours wading through the waters of the island rivers.  Now I can honestly say ... you really should skip them.  I think the developers thought of the cut-scenes as bookends to missions rather than a chance to tell an amazing story, or compel me to play further.  "Go here - gather that - barricade here - kill zombies - defend zombies - repeat".

I'm playing an expansion pack that they disguised as a new game.

I just hope I can find a sugar daddy to take me through the rest of the missions...

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