Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dead Island: Riptide - Part 1

There are some games out there that I've played in the past and been really excited about the potential I see for the future with them.  Assassin's Creed is a great example of this, it was a beautiful engine with no story - has turned into a crazy epic adventure.  Guitar Hero is another good example - start with a single guitar, branch into Rockband, eventually end up at Rocksmith.  One of these days I'll reflect on the original GTA ...

I'm a huge fan of zombie survival games - Dead Island had a lot of potential, I think we should reflect on the original promo video to remember:

Dead Island as a game was meh-kay, I was into it while we were around the resort areas - but once we got to a prison, I had checked out of whatever story it was trying to give me in between waves of "Tanks" and etc. - I think I might have also been killing some Abstergo/Umbrella/Zombrex military guys too.

Dead Island lacked, in my humble opinion - a cohesive kick-ass story.  Like the first season of a t.v. show it was very episodal -- "fetch this teddy bear" mission-ish, but the potential was there for a great season two. One of the biggest problem is the reliance on melee weapons in the first person perspective.  It's tough to create any sort of realistic swinging action -- and it ends up being a weird mechanic to work around, I start my slow-ass swing and move into hit range and back, bungie jump swinging.  It's just weird ... I bet I would like this game more if it adopted the Dead Rising 3rd person perspective, or had chosen a class that specialized in guns (if they include ammo for them...), then I could at least feel a little bit tough.

So when Dead Rising : Riptide came out, I was stupid excited ...

Not only is this game a recycled mess, but it's a recycled mess.  (see what I did there?)

The game begins where the last left off, as your ship is leaving the area - suprise!  Infected!  Ship crashes into - and I wish I were kidding - another resort island.  You get to set up bases, hunt for teddy bears and fight the same zombies you fought in Dead Rising.

Shovelware.  I'm 22% through the main story - if anything changes, ANYTHING.  I'll be soooo happy.

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