Friday, December 2, 2022

Modded Minecraft - All The Mods 7

I watched a couple videos and then got bit by the Minecraft bug again.   

All The Mods 7 is quite literal, the packs consist of every mod they can cram in for a certain version - so there is a good amount of overlap and a bit of finesse you need to put into to understanding that there might be 15 different types of lead bars.  

A big part of the resource gathering was with Productive Bees, so I managed to make few different bee factory monstrosities; a gigantic bee tower for end game resources, a self-radiating radioactive honeycomb cube, a menagerie cube with every type of bee. 

The end game requirements were absurd in their demands, and it encouraged some massive factories and terraforming to control game aspects, but I ended up crafting the Starry Bee.   I would consider this the end of the pack because the remaining bit would simply be waiting for a billion starry bee honeycombs to build the other end game items.

My base is not impressive, it's 80 pounds of factory packed into a 50 pound bag -- factory sprawl, spaghetti cable, an unorganized hodge-podge.  I like doing the stuff, I like making it work --- I am not very good at making it pretty.

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