Friday, February 7, 2014

The Wolf Among Us - Episode 1

If LA Noire and Borderlands had a baby, they could name it "The Wolf Among Us".  It is the game play of the former and the art style of the latter, all based in a Shrek-ish world where storybook characters are real.

Fables have relocated to the big city - some are well to do, but many of the fables have had to adapt to normal life and find common work.  You are Bigby Wolf (Big B. Wolf?) turned detective, solving the crimes and covering up the fable presence.

Based on the subject and with Snow White as your partner, I assumed this would be a juvenile game - but it has a gritty alternative dystopian feel, the pig who's house you blew down (when you were still "The Big Bad") comes over for whiskey and a cigarette and when he needs a break from the farm where he's been relocated.  It all works because fairy tales have grown up.

What I like about this, and all of the Telltale games really, is that there are no obvious "good guy" responses, all of your actions are potentially questionable.   You could let someone go after he attacks you at which point people lose respect for you, or you could rip off his arm and people are intimidated by you - it forces you to think about what YOU would do, rather than try to pick out the hero response in a situation.  Brilliant.

v>> SPOILER <<v
Your investigation centers on a murder of the Donkey Face girl.  In this fable, a queen cast a spell on her husband while on her death bed, ensuring that her husband would remarry, but only someone as beautiful as she.  Unfortunately, the only person more beautiful was their daughter - who was then forced to hide from the unwanted affection by skinning his prize donkey and turning it into a cloak which she had to wear everywhere.  Brutal.
^>> SPOILER <<^

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