Sunday, May 30, 2021

Green Hell: Spirits of the Amazonia

Green Hell is a survival game that parallels the TV show "Naked and Afraid", but with no chance of rescue.  It's brutally unforgiving in the rainforest as a simple spider bite can result in death as you need to make sure you are picking off leeches and avoiding jaguar as you keep your fire low enough to boil water but not too bright as to arouse the hostile natives.  Though there is a single player campaign where I guess you have to rescue your wife from natives - I preferred to just try and "survive" without the pressing need to save anyone but myself.

There were many attempts where I just didn't live past day two anyways, with the needs of feeding myself and making shelter while trying not to step on snakes and crafting leaf bandages. 

That is almost the main crux of the game, crafting from the environment in order to deal with the hazards of jungle living.

Once I had set up a proper camp though and established a routine, it was really a matter of getting back to the campfire to poultice whatever the day threw at me.   The first image below is the camp I settled in, it started as a couple lean-to's with the hanging tarp as a convenient rain shield.  I was building a bigger area to settle in that reached out over the water in the distance, I might get back to that at some point -- interesting all of these digital characters and landscapes we leave behind with games.

The second picture is effectively of my front porch area, a fairly safe and beautiful place to live for over a month (in game) with the exception of the occasional giant black caimans that would come sun themselves.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Room 4: Old Sins

 This was a point and click puzzle adventure that was effectively a big puzzle box.  It was very well made, with enough clues and available hints than I never really struggled with no idea what to do, lots of rooms and things to try.

The logic of the puzzles made sense and they were implemented in a very steampunk fashion, so the mechanics of watching the gears whir to open a hidden compartment in a rolling desk were fun.

One of the better escape room type games I've played!